April 10th, 2016

Jesus, Jeans & Waffle Fries

“This post is to encourage those who have stepped out of the boat & are living by faith, to bear as a witness that God really provides & cares for the little details in our lives.”

I have been needing a new pair of jeans for awhile (the ones I have, have holes in places I don’t even want to say lol). I haven’t been able to get a new pair right away, as things have come up that I have been having to take care of first. But just yesterday, my mom phoned me to let me know that there was a gift card waiting for me on the steps at home. I’m like ok, now – hellooo! It was from Old Navy & the crazy thing was, my favorite jeans (the ones that I was wearing to death, literally lol) were from that store! However, the gift card was only for $25. So before I drove all the way to the store, I was thinking to myself, let me find out online how much they would be first, before I make my way out there, because ain’t nobody got time to be wasting gas money.

Sure enough, the price of the jeans were over my gift card amount. There were jeans showing on sale, but still over & I knew there would be tax, so I wouldn’t even make it by a stretch. However, the Lord was still prompting me to go. But I was like, “Ok, Jesus – I can use this time to rest, walk my dog, eat etc. –  then to drive out to Old Navy, get my feelings hurt & turn right back again to go home.” But the Lord led me to drive to the store.

And sure enough the jeans were only $19 — $19 ya’ll! My heart was full. Because just leading up to that, I was having a rough week. I was being hit left & right with tests from the impossible. Surprise expenses coming out of nowhere, amongst other things.

I honestly felt like I was being attacked & was like “Lord, where are you?”

This was exactly what I needed, as this intricate moment reminded me that He is still there & although I still don’t know how the tests I am currently going through will turn out, I know He is currently behind the scenes, working things out.

But to top it off, one of my favorite snacks are waffle fries from Chick-fil-A. I have been craving those fries & I really wanted some that day. Well, at the end of my check out, I still had a balance on my card & they asked me if I wanted cash or credit. I said cash #hello & I immediately thought about those waffle fries.

I put in the nearest Chick- fil- A in my GPS as they were about to close soon & they wouldn’t be open the next day – as they are closed on Sunday’s. But as I arrived, I pulled into the drive through & they were already counting the money in the register. So, I took my tail home because I was still grateful & blown away by my new jeans.

But just as I was getting off my exit heading home, I passed by the Chick – Fil – A by my house & ALL the lights were on & there were cars pulling up to the drive through — Say what?!

Was there like an event going on or something?!

Am I seeing things?!

Is this a DREAM?!

Well, sure enough they were open & my first response before placing my order was, “how are you all still open & what time do you close?!” They responded by telling me that they close at 11pm on Friday’s & Saturday’s (I never heard of that in my life). So I ordered my waffle fries w/ honey mustard.

As I got home, I couldn’t help but just sit & be amazed at what transpired that day.

Jesus just blessed me with jeans & waffle fries!!!



3 responses to “Jesus, Jeans & Waffle Fries”

  1. Amanda says:

    Your stories continue to inspire me. God is soo good and always work things out.

    Look at God!!


  2. Brit Tea says:

    I love it! Thank you Jesus for the little things!

  3. Fran says:

    Amazing! He cares about us and for us in every way!

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Jules The Explorer

Hi friends, welcome to my site! I’m so glad you are here. I started this blog to encourage & inspire you to step out in faith & do what God is calling you to do. I am not perfect, but am growing each day into the woman God has called me to be. My desire is for you to reach your God-given potential & to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

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