April 2nd, 2016
So, where am I now??
(Me & my little family! First day I got back!)
I’m currently in Atlanta now after serving 3 years in Cape Town with Hillsong! I just relocated this past December. This was a huge faith step for me as I wasn’t going into a particular program or job per say. After I made the decision to move, I messaged one of my friends here in Atlanta 2 weeks before I came to let her know that I was coming – and she was like omg I have been praying for an assistant! I immediately had peace about this & she told me that we would chat more when I got there.
“It gave me so much hope because although I didn’t know the logistics or what it would entail – it was something that God was opening & I knew He wouldn’t fail.”
Of course, I knew this would be serving again (she is in full time ministry.) But I was excited, but at the same time, I knew this was America, like this is America ya’ll how am I going to do this?! I knew I could get a part-time job then work for her, but ideally I didn’t want to do this because I felt like I would be giving 50% into being an assistant & 50% at the part time job. So I prayed & trusted God that He would work this out, however He saw fit.
(On top of Lion’s Head mountain in Cape Town, South Africa)
Before I left South Africa, my friends there prayed for me & stood by me in this next season. I didn’t leave Cape Town because my funds were low.. I didn’t leave Cape Town because I didn’t like my job.. I didn’t leave Cape Town because I had no friends. I left because the Lord was telling me to go. He was shifting me into a new season, and from my experience, I knew ok, Lord who would be affected by my obedience. I began to strategize ways where when I left my position, the roles I carried & were responsible for, would continue to flow.
But before I got on that plane, I had so many doubts of being a missionary in the states & doing full time ministry. The enemy was telling me “people will think that you are lazy,” “it won’t be the same as South Africa,” “it’s not going to work out.”
But it wasn’t until I stepped on that plane on December 25th, I felt the full peace that surpassed all understanding & that’s when I knew everything would fall into place.
My first Sunday back in Church!
When I arrived in Atlanta, I started serving right away. Since I would be going into this assistant role, as you know, being an assistant isn’t necessarily a black & white thing. Things come up & it’s different each day. All I prayed was that I would be able to do things right. And that’s what the Lord has been gracing me to do. At times I had no idea how to do a task but the Lord gave me wisdom.
I was even writing down my goals before the end of the year & one of them was to cook more & be healthy with my food choices & that is an area that I have been able to be intentional & focus on. From going vegan for a month to now a full-blown vegetarian. Serving in my role & being in the environment where I am daily, has influenced my health for the better.
Making vegan, sugar free brownies! #hello
I even have learned to cook meals I didn’t even know existed lol & have been stretched spiritually. Being here as released my friend’s capacity to do other things & grow in many other areas. As I arrived, I had no expectation of compensation at all – but since day one, she has been giving me weekly compensation for gas, providing meals during my work days & has also given me extra money as God leads her!
Within a month I took on the role as store manager of her online boutique & most recently her booking manager that allots me to travel around the world with her to her speaking engagements – how good is God?! He really fulfills the desires of our heart because I love to travel. I didn’t even have traveling on my radar as I didn’t even think an opportunity like this would exist.
On our way to Cali! #gonepreachin
We just got back from California last week, going to Canada the end of this month & have even more exciting places booked throughout this year! And I never even asked for this position! It makes my heart full to know that serving has grown her capacity as well seeing the huge need & gaps within her schedule as I was transitioning into the role, confirmed that I’m suppose to be here & am in the right place. It is such an honor to serve & advance the Kingdom together. What my friend thought me being here was a blessing to her, she has been in fact, hands down a blessing to me. There are so many testimonies within these past few months & I can’t wait to share more as God leads me to reveal.
Shipping crew for the online boutique!
(Out running errands!)
During this season, God has been leading me to rest. I do not know what will be next, but I am taking it day by day. I didn’t want to be in America just getting by, but I wanted to live in abundance & also be a blessing to others. He literally has been providing for me to do just that.
So, as I am here, 3 months into the unknown.. I am even more excited to see what my Heavenly Father has in store for me.
“We will never “arrive” at trusting God. It’s a constant journey, but well worth the destination.”
I just want to encourage you to continue to do what God is calling you to do. Even if your scared, don’t have all the answers or know how things will come into fruition. God will move as you move. I know it may sound crazy, but what I can tell you for sure is that while living for the Lord, I haven’t missed a meal & have always been in full abundance of what I ever imagined or dreamed of.
If God is telling you now to move. Move. If God is telling you to start a new job. Put in that application. etc. You may not understand but know that “His thoughts are not your thoughts, neither His ways your ways.” – Isaiah 55:8
His promises are true. He will never leave you. Has He not commanded us? “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for I will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
He will send people to support you, don’t think He will forsake you. In fact, He is with you each step of the way. “For the righteous will not be forsaken or begging for bed.” – Psalm 37:25
I just wanted to leave you with this song that I have been listening to lately on repeat, called “Trust” by Hillsong Young & Free from their latest album, “Youth Revival.” The lyrics to this song are everything!
When it doesn’t go my way
I know that it’s not the end
I’m trusting You have better plans
I haven’t even dreamed of yet
I know that You are for me
When everything’s against me
I put all my hope in You
Jesus, I will trust You
I will trust You
I know that You’ve never failed
I will trust You
Jesus, I will
Jesus, I will
I don’t know how the story ends
But I know that You finished it
I close my eyes and just let go
And fall into my only hope
There’s safety in the falling
When I surrender fully
I put all my hope in You
Jesus, I will trust You
I will trust You
I know that You’ve never failed
I will trust You
Jesus, I will
I will
Jesus, I will
I will
Now everything I know
God, You’re in control
Every little detail, You are close
I’ll never be alone
Here in the unknown
The power of Your presence
Fills my soul
Jesus, I will trust You
I will trust You
I know that You’ve never failed
I will trust You
Jesus, I will
You can listen to the song by clicking here.
This joy that I have, the world can’t take it away!
Your blog gives me so much hope and strength. I believe God has me in a place of rest to allow him to establish a solid foundation in me. Its not always easy with so much happening around me I want to reach out and be apart of it or just fix it in my own strength. But, I am learning there is power in waiting and I know that is what God is calling me to do. So, thank you for being so transparent in your thoughts. It is truly heling me to wait.
Aww!!! Praise God, Maria! Absolutely, it is hard in the waiting season! But God is doing a work in you & will make the next season even sweeter! Thanks for sharing love!
your story is inspiring. i can relate, i have found myself living out of a suitcase for the past 3 years , i have been stretched ,surprised and astounded at the same time by God and His amazing Grace. keep doing life Gods way!its awesome!
Hi Jules, your blog is so perfect for young woman like me and those around the world, it gives me the feeling that there is hope no matter which situation we are in or season. And the best thing that a liked about your blog is that it guides people to follow the Kings of kings, our mighty Saviour Jesus Christ. Reading it gives me peace and makes me want to dream big. Thanks for being you. It’s so hard these days to find blogs written out of sincere hearts and a clean mind. May God continue to bless you and guide with His love & Strenght. Blessings
This is very inspirational the journey of faith really a blessing to read this blog.