April 5th, 2013
Last week was vision Sunday. The senior pastor, Pastor Brian Houston, spoke about the vision for the church. Its the one Sunday that all the Hillsong campuses unite globally for one televised service. This years momevent is Missio Dei, which means “the mission of God” or “the sending of God” in Latin. We are about Gods mission. Not just in church, but while we are in the grocery store, at our jobs, with our families, or at the beach. There is no vacation from being on mission, its a lifestyle and a commitment that we gracially accept by being one of Gods children. We also received Missio Dei bracelets as reminders to always be on mission as we go throughout the day.
One testimony I have of Gods graciousness and faithfulness was over this past weekend. Frontline which is the 25-35+ ministry of Hillsong, had a retreat which was being held at Val de Vie Polo Estate in Paarl — and I wanted to go!! When I went to buy my ticket four days before it started there were only three tickets left, so I had to think fast! The only thing holding me back was securing my overnight accomadation in Paarl and my transportation. I asked a few people if they knew anyone that would be able to take me or any rooms available, but no luck and the accomadations were all booked. The Lord told me to stop putting things in my own hands and allow Him to take control. So I trusted God and purchased my ticket. On the day before, one of the interns told me that her friend would be able to provide transportation for me. Praise God! Then the morning of the retreat comes, still no overnight accommodation. However, as I was being picked up to go to the retreat, the Lord told me to pack a pair of extra clothes, so I gathered an overnight bag as the Lord instructed.
When I arrived in Paarl, it was completely breathtaking. Its so beautiful, peaceful and serene. The venue was stunning and the layout of the retreat was amazing. The people at frontline were so welcoming and friendly. The second group of girls I met asked me if I was staying there over the weekend.. I told them I was not, because all the accomadations were full. They then proceeded to tell me that they had an extra bed at the guesthouse they were staying at. They welcomed me to stay with them if I liked! I was floored!! Also, one of the girls lived by my accomadation in town, so they would be happy to take me home on the last day of the retreat as well!
God had everything lined up for me! I sure don’t have a car but I don’t think, or act like I don’t. I am doing everything I want and God is making a way. I have never stepped out in faith in that way for an event, but I had peace about it when I gave it to God. He had my back and He made a way for me!
And if you are trying to go somewhere too – whether it be a show, conference, event, city, town, or maybe even another country and you have no idea how your going to get there or where you will stay – continue to trust God and He will make a way for you as well. God is beyond faithful and will connect the dots, work behind the scenes, and open the right doors for you. Just cast your cares over to Him and trust and believe that He will work out everything for your good. If its His will for you to go – He will come through and make it happen for you! š
Phillippians 4:19 “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”
Hi to every one, because I am truly eager of reading this blog’s post to be updated on a regular basis.
It contains nice data.